ALA #113 Press Release:
The groundbreaking of the Charles Wilson VA Outpatient Clinic this morning was great. Here are a few photos taken this morning. The ‘ground breakers’ were from left to right: Dr. Anthony Zollo of the Lufkin VA Clinic, Ms. Gayle Green from Senator John Cornyn’s office, Wes Suitor, Angelina County Judge, U. S. Representative Louis Gohmert, U. S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Lufkin Mayor Jack Gordon, Jeffy Huffman, Angelina County Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Edgar Tucker, Director of Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston.
Four members of American Legion Auxiliary Unit #113 were present for the groundbreaking. Rita Redd, Unit President, Janet Pavlic, Vice-President and Dual Member, Pat Ligon, Membership Chairman and Theresa Sabin, VA&R Chairman. Unfortunately, Bonnie Shows and Barbara Forsyth could not attend; however, there was a great crowd.
Speeches included Mr. Edgar Tucker, Congressman Louis Gohmert and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Lufkin Mayor Jack Gordon and former Mayor Louis Bronaugh were also in attendance. Numerous representatives from the Michael E. DeBakey Medical Center in Houston and the local Charles Wilson VA Outpatient Clinic, Lufkin Chamber of Commerce, American Legion, VFW, DAV, Order of the Purple Heart and Texas Veteran Land board were also in attendance.
What a most fitting day and time of year to hold this wonderful ceremony...December 7, 2007 will go down in Lufkin, Texas history. This groundbreaking being on Pearl Harbor Day and also just before the release of the movie about Charlie Wilson couldn’t have been planned better.
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